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Mountainlive Canyoning Trentino

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Useful Information

Our starting point is located in Storo in via E. Miglio, 2 at our official Canyoning Center, equipped with a large adjacent car park and private changing rooms.

Headquarters address

Via E. Miglio, 2A
38089 Storo TN

Season opening

From May 1st
To the end of October
(excluding adventure travel)

Coming from Brescia take for Madonna di Campiglio, after the beautiful lake D’Idro, you will arrive in Storo. Enter the town, cross it in the direction of Riva del Garda, and reach the Firi Hotel Bar Restaurant which remains on your left.

For those arriving from Madonna Di Campiglio, head towards Brescia and reach Storo (as above).

For those arriving from Rovererto and Riva del Garda, head towards Valle di Ledro / Storo, cross the entire valley and descend from the Ampola pass. Upon entering the village, the first house on the right is the Firi Hotel Bar Restaurant.

An adventure you won’t forget


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